Doa Said GhomiDi
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Oh Alloh,
all praise is due to You
and to You is due all gratitude and thanks
and to You returns all matters - the open of them
and the hidden of them
Glory to the Lord of power and dominion
Glory to the One who will not die
Glory to the One who gives life to His creation and He will not die
Glory to the One who is Lord of all lords (arbaab)
Glory to the One who facilitates all means
Glory to the One whose throne (`arsh) is in the heavens and in the earth is His authority (sultaan)
Glory to the One whom no creature of this life (dunyaa) can see
and Whom no sense can perceive
and Whom description seekers cannot perceive
and Whom incidents do not change
and He does not fear His creatures
He knows the weight of the mountains
and the measure of the oceans; and the count of rain
and the number of veins of the trees
and the amount of the darkness of nights and the brightness of days
Oh Giver of refuge for those who seek refuge
Beloved of those who love; Hope of those who are cut off (munqat`iyeen)
Raiser of the fallen
The One who is with broken hearts
Who answers the calls of the dejected
the Mercy of this life and the hereafter and the Compassion of both
Who answers the desires of those in need
He knows the minds of the silent
One who does not have a partner from whom He must seek
or an angel from whom He asks and is refused, or one who is thankful to Him but is deprived
Glory is due to Allah, and praise
all glory is due to Allah
Oh Allah,
guide us by Your favor among those whom You have guided
and forgive us among those whom You have forgiven
and be our Protector among those whom You have protected
and bless us in all that You have given us
and save us and keep away from us any evil which You have decreed
verily You decree and none decrees besides what You decree
and none is abased whom You befriend
and none holds power whom You oppose
Blessed are You, our Lord, exalted and to You are due all thanks
for Your blessings and bounty
we seek forgiveness from Allah from all sins and we repent to You
there is no refuge or place of shelter except for to You
Oh Allah, distance our sins (ma'seeya) from our obedience to You that will lead us to paradise
and indeed from certainty in faith (yaqeen) comes difficulty in the life of this world (dunyaa)
And bless us our hearing, and our sight, and our faculties, as long as You allow us to live
and make them protectors for us against the transgressions we have committed
and make us victorious over our enemies
and do not allow us to have problems in our deen
and do not allow us to make the life of this world our greatest concern
and remove from us difficulty in attaining knowledge
and do not make hellfire our destination
and make jannah our home
and do not impose upon us, because of our sins, people who lack mercy and do not fear You (as authorities over us)
by Your mercy, oh the Most Merciful of those who show mercy
Oh Allah,
preserve us with steadfastness in Islam while we're standing
and preserve us in Islam while we're sitting
and preserve us in Islam while we're sleeping
Oh Allah bless us with a pure life
and an easy death
and a return to You without grief and difficulty
Oh Allah help us with our death
and with the grave and its punishment
and from slipping from the siraat
and the Day of Reckoning and its terror
Our Lord,
You created us in the best of forms
and You granted us sustenance from Your bounty
and You taught us and gave us guidance
and then we disobeyed You openly, but You forgave us
and we committed sins, but You availed us from them
Your generosity has been descending upon us, yet we sin easily, and we are weak
if You look to our account then we indeed deserve punishment
but Your mercy is more expansive than our sins, so grant us Your mercy, oh the Most Merciful of those who show mercy
Oh Allah give us, and do not deprive us
and increase for us, and do not decrease us
and be generous to us, and do not be severe with us
and grace us, and do not disgrace us; and help us, and do not forsake us
Oh Allah,
make white our faces (with light)
and give us our books on our right; and raise our degrees in status
and make our balances heavy (on the side of good)
and overlook our sins (sayee`aat)
Oh Allah, Creator of the heavens and the earth
Lord of Majesty and Bounty
by Your power which does not exhaust, we ask, Oh Allah, Oh the Most Merciful
Make our vision lighted by Your Book
so that our tongues will manifest (from it)
and lighten our graves (with it)
and by it forgive our sins (dhunoob)
and improve with it our affairs
by Your mercy, oh the Most Merciful of those who show mercy
Oh Allah,
allow the month of Ramadan to be completed in Your pleasure
and with us attaining the success of entering Your garden
Oh our Lord,
this holy month has indeed past
and we stand fearful and shaking before You
and we hope in You
accept from us, our Lord, our fasting (sawm)
and our standing in worship (qiyaamina)
and our prayers (salaatina)
and our remembrance (adhkaarina)
and all our deeds
and do not reject our deeds on the Day of Judgement, the Day of regret and shame
Oh our Lord,
close all gates except Your gate
and do not reject us from Your presence
and if You do so, we have no power nor strength save You
La ilaha illa Allah...
He who wills the number of footsteps on the surface of the earth, and on steps
and all praise is due to Allah, He in Whose hand is the keys of escape (farraj)
Oh our Hope when all doors are closed
and our Hope when all links are cut
and when there is a barrier between us and our family and our people (and we stand alone)
La ilaha illa Allah...
oh Allah do not let this gathering disperse except when our sins are forgiven
and our efforts accepted
and our good deeds counted
Oh the Powerful, the Most Forgiving
by Your mercy, oh the Most Merciful of those who show mercy
Oh Allah,
forgive all the Muslims that have died who bore witness to Your oneness
and (who bore witness) to Your messenger with his message
and who died upon that
Oh Allah,
forgive them and grant them Your mercy
and pardon them and be generous with them
and bless their arrival and make wide their entrance
and wash them with water and coolness
and purify them from their sins as clothes are washed of dirt
Oh Allah reward them and grant them goodness in the best way
and pardon and forgive their sins (sayee`aat)
so that they feel tranquility in their graves
and so that on the day of judgement they will be among the protected ones
Oh Allah,
move them from the narrowness of the grave and the insects, to everlasting jannah
with ... comfort and vast shade
Oh Allah,
grant us mercy when we reach where they have reached, under casket and soil, alone
oh Allah, grant us mercy when our families wash us
and mercy when they shroud us
and mercy when they carry us on their shoulders
and mercy when they lower us into our graves
and mercy when they throw on us dirt
by Your mercy, oh the Most Merciful of those who show mercy
Oh Allah,
bring down upon our graves the light of our fasting
and the light of our prayers (salah)
and the light of our recitation of Qur'an
by Your mercy, oh the Most Merciful of those who show mercy
Oh Allah,
who hears all and who can revive the dead
and who will dress the bones with flesh after death
have mercy on our weaknesses
straighten our affairs
and end our deaths in good deeds
Oh Allah ornament our graves with the gardens of paradise
by Your mercy, oh the Most Merciful of those who show mercy
Oh Allah,
forgive the Muslim men and the Muslim women
and the believing men and the believing women
those living and those dead
You are our Protector
Hearer, the Near, the One who answers our dua
Oh Allah,
we ask You for all good (khayr)
the sooner of it and the later
what we know of it and what we don't know
and we seek refuge in You from all evil (sharr)
the sooner of it and the later
what we know of it and what we don't know
Oh Allah,
whatever You have distributed in this blessed night of health and well being, then make us,
Oh our Lord, among the fortunate who receive from this distribution
and whatever You have distributed in this night of trial (bala`a), keep it from us and from the Muslims
Oh Allah strengthen Islam and the Muslims
and disgrace shirk and the mushrikeen
and smash the enemies of the deen
Oh Allah,
our Lord, better the condition of the Muslims
oh Allah better the young of us and better the old of us
and better the women of us
and make better the children of us and our spouses
Oh Allah, forgive the Muslim women, those present and those absent
oh Allah, raise their status
and make secure their dignity and honor (awraat)
and accept from them their good deeds
by Your mercy, oh the Most Merciful of those who show mercy
Oh Allah,
help Your forces and Your devoted servants (awliyaa) of those who believe (mumineen) amongst the elders, the scholars, and the pious (shuyookh, ulema, saliheen)
by Your mercy, oh the Most Merciful of those who show mercy
Oh Allah,
we ask You by Your beautiful names
and Your exalted attributes in this blessed night
save our necks from the hellfire Oh Allah, save our necks from the hellfire Oh Allah, save our necks from the hellfire
Oh Allah,
save the necks of our fathers and our mothers and our brothers and our sisters and our paternal uncles and our paternal aunts and our maternal uncles and our maternal aunts
and those who love us for Your sake and those who love each other for Your sake
and those who lead us to good (khayr) and those who facilitate good and all the Muslims,
Oh Lord of the worlds
Oh Allah,
help Your servants and the mujahideen in Your way in all places
Oh Allah help your worshippers in Chechnya and in Bosna and in Palestine and in Lebanon and in all other places
Oh Allah, make firm their feet
Oh Allah guide their aim
Oh Allah, join them on the word of clear truth
Oh our Lord..
Overlook our sins when we reach The Gate and do not return us in disappointment
Oh Allah, accept our dua Oh Allah, accept our dua Oh Allah, accept our dua
and do not return us in disappointment
and do not deprive us from Your generosity that we seek
and do not return us deprived from Your blessings
Oh Allah,
make us from amongst the fortunate who will attain the reward of laylatul qadr Oh Allah, make us from amongst the fortunate who will attain the reward of laylatul qadr Oh Allah, make us from amongst the fortunate who will attain the reward of laylatul qadr
by Your mercy, oh the Most Merciful of those who show mercy
Oh our Lord, grant us good in this life, and good in the hereafter, and keep us from the punishment of the fire
Oh Allah,
we seek refuge in You from Your displeasure (sakhatik); and we seek Your forgiveness, and we seek refuge in You from Your punishment
I cannot account for the praises that are due to You
You are as You praise Yourself
And peace and blessings be upon the messenger Muhammad, and upon his family and companions.
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Author: Mif . » Comments:
TomHari ?
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Pelukis Bulu Pertama Indonesia. Seniman Jenius Penuh Kreasi. Bersahaja. Brilian Dalam Mekanisasi Teknologi.
Bagi masyarakat Solo, nama Tomhari saya yakin sudah familiar terdengar. Dibalik kesederhanaannya, beberapa kali kakek berusia 70 tahun ini telah terdaftar dalam museum rekor MURI dan pernah menjadi langganan AENG AENG atas kreatifitasnya. Di tahun 2000 saja, ia telah masuk rekor MURI berkat desain satu jas dengan 24 model. Unik memang, padahal ia seorang seniman yang pada umumnya fokus berkarya dalam kanvas ataupun goresan-goresan warna media dan lain sebagainya. Namun dengan ketekunan, ia mampu menjahit pakaian untuk pertama kali dengan rapi layaknya penjahit profesional.
Dua tahun Kemudian, MURI membukukan rekor Tomhari berupa desain celana dengan 14 tampilan, juga dijahitnya sendiri. Kakek yang masih kelihatan prima ini berharap rekor-rekor baru akan terealisasi nanti. Baginya, berkarya dan kreatifitas merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam hidup. Bukan hanya itu, ide bisa muncul dari mana saja. Cobalah Anda datang ke rumah Tomhari yang terasa bersahaja namun unik di Kepunton RT 08 RW 03 Jebres Surakarta, tentu akan disambut hangat oleh beliau yang antusias mengisahkan pengalaman hidupnya. Dan jangan lupa untuk membubuhkan tanda tangan di buku tamunya yang kemungkinan lebih tua dari usia Anda. ?
Putra bungsu dari 4 bersaudara ini ketika umur 6 tahun telah yatim piatu. Beliau bercerita, semenjak kecil sudah mempunyai bakat menggambar bawaan dari sang ayah. Disamping itu, Tomhari kecil juga sangat menyukai sesuatu yang unik lain dari teman-teman sepermainannya. Corat-coret alias menggambar tembok rumah memakai arang maupun kapur menjadi bagian dari hobinya. Sampai-sampai ada tetangga yang tertarik, meminta untuk mencorat-coret di tembok rumahnya. Ketika masih duduk di SD Jebres, Tomhari kecil sering menjadi juara I dalam lomba lukis yang diikutinya.
Bakat musik pun tak kalah. Sewaktu patroli Belanda lewat (agresi militer Belanda II tahun 1948), ia diacungi jempol oleh serdadu-serdadu NICA saat memainkan harmonika melantunkan lagu ‘five minutes more’.
Selain seni, Tomhari juga brilian dalam bidang mekanisasi teknologi. Ia telah mampu mendesain rumah semi otomatis hingga dikenal dengan rumah hantu dan menjadi berita di tahun 50-an. (tahu sendiri kan, waktu itu masih jadul banget). Salah satu hasil ciptaan Tomhari berupa penyambung rel peredam suara kereta api yang telah direspon oleh pihak PJKA di tahun 1977. Ia juga telah mengajukan beberapa proposal antara lain tentang mekanisasi pencegahan dini pembajakan pesawat udara, sistem antisipasi musibah kecelakaan kereta api metode I tahun 1981 (diekspos dan diakui rasional oleh Gatot Soejantoko) dan metode II tahun 1992 (baru tahun 2000 diekspos di Binaloka Yogyakarta dan diakui rasional oleh KADAOP VI, Ir. Yuda Sitepu). Namun sayangnya belum mampu diaplikasikan hingga saat ini, mengingat keadaan negara kita.
Tomhari juga telah mendesain detektor pencurian kawat telepon (diakui rasional oleh Menparpostel), mendesain mekanisasi Solokopter atau Hely Propeler tumpuk yaitu helikopter dengan dua buah baling-baling tumpuk yang berlawanan arah putarannya, dan yang terbaru berupa kendaraan tanpa bahan bakar hanya memanfaatkan kincir tenaga angin (lebih optimal bila diterapkan pada kapal laut).
Tohari adalah nama aslinya. Dulu semasih muda, di Kepunton nama Tohari ada tiga orang. Dengan alasan, orang yang akan bertamu ke rumahnya sering nyasar ke Tohari lain. Tohari ini kemudian merubah namanya menjadi Tomhari. Menurutnya, keunikan muncul dari nama ini karena Tom dan Hari dalam kosakata bahasa Inggris keduanya merupakan nama depan. .
Tomhari sangat dikenal sebagai pelukis bulu pertama. Awal mula menciptakan mozaik bulu setelah ia menjuarai lomba lukis antar sekolah lanjutan se-kodya Surakarta. Dari situlah Tomhari muda mulai ditawari ikut serta dalam pameran di Balai Pradjurit. Karena ia belum mempunyai cat warna dalam membuat karya yang akan diikutsertakan, maka timbul ide. Ide spontan muncul seketika saat sedang mengamati ayam-ayam di halaman rumah. Kemudian Tomhari mulai mengambil sula bulu ayam dan dipotong dipilah-pilah sesuai dengan warna yang diinginkan. Bulu-bulu ayam ia susun menjadi suatu objek lukisan. Inilah mozaik bulu pertama Tomhari. Judulnya ‘Ibu Menyusui’, menampilkan karakter wanita Indian.
Banyak diantara lukisan mozaik bulu Tomhari telah melawat ke lima benua, berbeda dengan sang pelukis yang masih berdomisili di Solo. Pada tahun 1959 Tomhari menciptakan lukisan dualis berupa gadis berpayung jika dilihat dari jarak jauh terlihat seperti tengkorak. Lima tahun kemudian, ia menciptakan lukisan sirkelis yang dipamerkan di Wisma Nusantara Jakarta, telah dikoleksi oleh Madame Seuku Ture dari Guenea. Lukisan kridarama (objek lukisan bergerak) berupa petani-petani perempuan yang sedang menumbuk padi menjadi media karya lukisan selanjutnya sebelas tahun kemudian.
Tomhari muda juga pernah bertemu dan semeja makan dengan Presiden Soekarno di Gedung Agung Yogyakarta. Ketika itu, Tomhari memberi kenang-kenangan berupa lukisan mozaik bulu potret Presiden Soekarno. Bagi Tomhari, sebuah prestasi dan kebanggaan yang sebelumnya hanya sebuah mimpi. Dari bapak bangsa ini ia mendapat kata-kata pesan, ‘Pupuklah bakatmu, berbuatlah yang terbaik bagi nusa dan bangsamu’. ~Mif
Author: Mif . » Comments: